A HIstoric day

Today US launched the first manned space shuttle in 11 years. This would take two astronauts to the International Space Station. This is a historic moment because we have not been able to man a shuttle on our own for 11 years. We have been taking help from Russia to take our astronauts to the space station. Sending humans to space is a costly proposition and I am hoping we will start a new chapter of space travels with this event. Space is the final frontier and we should focus on going where no human has gone before. We are destined to do so, just not have figured out how to do it in a more efficient way.
With what we are faced with today, given all the uncertainties we are facing with COVID19, this event , in my opinion gives humanity hope. Asserting that we as humans are always unstoppable and will overcome all obstacles.

Sandun Panthangi