We have forgotten who we are

Its been 6 months since my last post here. My family and I have survived COVID-19 so far. In many ways we are blessed. But day in day out I see the humanity degrade. I believe this pandemic brought out a mixed bag, but I see mostly the worst everytime I read the news. Injustice, inequality and distrust are common themes.

Here in the United States, we just finished a landmark Presidential Election. Why is it landmark you may ask? Well, its because we elected the first ever Female VP. Kamala Harris is a beacon of hope for all girls in this great nation. Another proof that ”Glass Ceiling” is meant to be shattered. Also, once again we proved that Democracy prevailed and we are still the “Land of the Free and Home of the Brave”.

Everyday the current administration takes a stab at Lady Liberty and she stands back up. As i write this today, I am hopeful that the new administration under Joe Biden will restore United States back to its full glory as the Leader of the Free World. I know he will give it all. But, I am also feeling very hopeless looking at another 70 some million individuals who thought this great nation will do just fine under a lying, racist, egomaniac of a President, who’s name is not even worth mentioning. But, as I said before, we are hopeful and I shall remain so as we move towards celebrating a very awkward Thanksgiving this year. Awkward is because I am sadden by the increase of COVID patients and the number of people of who dying from it and yet I am Thankful that my family is safe. I don’t know how to explain that feeling. Wishing this planet a speedy recovery.

Sandun Panthangi