Are we all grounded?

For over 3 months now we have been hearing about COVID19 - the dreadful virus that’s taking thousands of lives to their death. Though it started in Wuhan, China, it has now become a world pandemic.
United States is feeling the brunt of this pandemic and it blind sided us all. It is creeping into our society and causing total chaos. Closed schools and working from home are the least of our problems. Millions lost their livelihood and many more are fighting the battle head on by helping the infected.
In this total chaos there’s one thing my mind goes to often. That is, in a way aren’t we all grounded? By Mother Nature, God, a higher power, any which way you want to name it the fact of the matter is that we are all grounded. We stay home, work on our jobs if we can, else we worry and think about the predicament we are in and a way to come out of this, hopefully stronger and alive.

As the world came to a screeching halt, factories closed, air travel, sea travel all stopped our earth is literally enjoying a much needed break. Clear water in the Venice canal, air pollution reduced in China and other major cities around the world are some of the immediate effects of us all being locked in. And in one way I think it might even be for the better. I am in no way saying the virus is a good thing. Just looking for a silver lining, if any exist.
I also keep thinking, with cruise liners reducing their travels, how many Whales, and other big fish would survive this spring migrations?
In my opinion, COVID19 pandemic started a chain reaction that would allow our planet to take a breather and restart to take us away from the “point of no return” we were all headed. We also have started to think more about our communities and emphasize more on the value of togetherness. Even though we worry about many things during this time, it has also allowed us to be more closer to our families. I know for some this is a curse and pain but I pray that we all survive this and live to tell our grandkids about this. I face the uncertainty of tomorrow together with my family and friends knowing that we are blessed to have each other. But one thing, if we could learn from being grounded is that it is a privilege many cannot seem to afford. Think about what really matters and how you live your life. In the face of uncertainty we all can learn the value of what we have , a life , a breathing lung, rest is up to you. Carpe Diem!

Sandun Panthangi