Roasted Chana, jaggery and coconut stuffed paratha

If you are a mom you know the troubles of feeding picky eaters. I always look for different ways of getting nutrients into my kids. Because not all meals will be a “complete” meal. Some days they eat everything under the sun and the next day, nada, zilch! 

So, this paratha is a sweeter variety. I added jaggery, dried coconut, and ground roasted chana (a.k.a putnalu).  

It was a hit in my family. Everyone loved it. It’s perfect for a morning breakfast with a hot cup of coffee/tea. My kids loved eating it for breakfast and then for lunch.  

What I also love about this is, make a double batch and you can keep in the refrigerator for a few days. I put wax paper in between and put all of them in a ziplock bag and kept them in the refrigerator. When I need it I warmed it on a skillet and, viola! You got a yummy sweet paratha. 

Here’s how I did it. Ofcourse just like any other cooking I do, my recipes go with a pinch of this and pinch of that. Cooking for me is not an exact science (baking on the other hand is a totally different story ) because everyone has different taste needs. This was one of those efforts.  

My dough is regular paratha dough. However you normally make it would do.  

Then I took about a cup of roasted Chana in a grinder and made a fine flour.  




To that I added a cup and half of Jaggery and about 3/4 cup of dried coconut powder. These measurements can be adjusted according to your taste. 

Then you need to add water little by little and start kneading the mixture. You will first get to a grainy, coarse mixture. Then keep adding water bit by bit until you can make balls out of it. It should not be too dry either. 



Then you take a ball of dough roll it and keep the mixture in the middle, bring all sides together to enclose the mixture and roll it out like you would with any paratha.  



And then you have your paratha.  



I am no expert in rolling out so mine are not perfect rounds.  

Then you heat up your tawa and cook it. Add a little bit of ghee or oil on each side before flilping. 



Next comes the hard part, Eating ! 
