Day old chapati cooked in milk

Age old traditions always have a meaning behind them. They are not merely a tradition but a way of life. It’s a recipe for living the life in a more fulfilling way.
That thought bring me to this simple yet satisfying recipe to use up day old chapati. Now mind you, I never ate chapati growing up. I was a rice girl day in day out. However, after meeting the love of my life chapati/ paratha became a new addition to my life. Ofcourse mastering the art of making soft chapati and paratha is a lost art. But I have learned it from the best ( MIL/SIL) and have been practicing. I can hold my own, but still ways to go.
Without further ado let me introduce you to my breakfast today.
I have used 2 day old Ragi/Atta chapati. I tore them to pieces, and added some milk enough to barely cover them. Also added 4 teaspoons of regular white sugar. Then you turn on the stove and cook the mixture on low flame for about 5 minutes. At that point you will see the pieces getting soft and start to disintegrate, making a thick saucy consistency. I could smell the sugar getting caramelized along with the ghee already absorbed into the chapati. Voila! Your breakfast is ready. Ofcourse I did not stop there, I went on to sprinkle a spoon of flaxseeds and a little bit cardamom powder. Then I served the whole thing with a dollop of almond Kheer I made yesterday. I am writing this while devouring the bowl of yummy goodness. It is amazingly satisfying. Better yet, I did not waste anything.

Sandun Panthangi